Ironman Texas Recap & Images

Ironman Texas
North American Championship

23rd Professional

How it looks and feels to persevere through a day of racing by yourself when you are at less than your best and still come away with a new personal best time!

This was my first time racing at Ironman Texas. A great venue and nearly perfect conditions greeted us on race morning. 60* air temp, 73* water temp (non wetsuit for Professionals) and calm winds.

A unique aspect of this swim is that the last 1/3 or so is swam up a canal. This gives spectators a front row seat to all the action and the opportunity to follow their athlete!

Swim fitness was great coming in to the race but unfortunately I wasn't able to have a good performance in the water. I exited the water 5 minutes back of my usual pack.

I was one of the few who was all alone on the bike course. I had to use most of the tricks in my bag to stay focused and engaged. I did a pretty good job and came in with a respectable 4:21.
(The course was about 4 minutes short)

My only complaint about the race was that due to safety concerns (3000 athletes packed into 40 miles of road), all motorcycles (including officials) were pulled off the course. Packs like this were the result. Hopefully this will be addressed at future races.

I managed temps in the mid 80's pretty well and despite a little slowing in the last 8 miles, ran a 3:02 marathon to close out the day.

Thank you to the Claudel's for their great hospitality, to all of my sponsors listed above, my coach Cliff English, and of course to Team BBMC for all of their support. Now time for a little R&R and decisions on what's next!


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