Season Update & Maybe One More Rodeo

Milkman Bike Picture

NEWSFLASH! I am not immune to injury! 

What?!?!? Apparently 34 is not 24 and the body will sometimes not recover properly if it is neglected, especially after racing for more than 15 years and while also running a full-time and then some business. 

This is the first season since 2005 that I have dealt with a major injury that has compromised my training for a long period of time (6+ months). I have a degeneration/range of motion issue in my left ankle and big toe. It has caused a lot of other associated problems, but this is the main thorn that I need to eliminate.

While it's a major bummer and definitely not how I envisioned the year going, I am determined to salvage some kind of a season and more importantly set myself up for a great 2017. I am doing the work to get better...which at times feels like it will never happen, but as a friend and DPT said to me the other day, "injuries that take time to occur, take time to heal." So I am staying patient.

If I can get healthy I would love to race Timberman 70.3 on August 21st and Ironman Chattanooga in September. If I can't get in the training for a full Ironman, I may do a few more Half Ironman distance events, but nothing later than October. If I can't get healthy in the next 4 weeks, I will probably take my off season early and really make sure I get back to good health before next year.

I am then turning my attention to 2017. Ironman Wisconsin is slated to bring back a Pro Men's race next year. While it's not set in stone, I may make this my last Professional Ironman event. I have wanted to win this race since 2002 and if this is my last opportunity, I will do everything I can to make it happen. It might be a stretch with all I have going on and I can't control who shows up, but crazier things have happened.

I definitely could decide to race for a few years after this, but with a successful coaching business that I am passionate about, I find myself wanting to help others more than I want to focus on myself 24/7. There are also the other things in life that you sacrifice as a Professional Athlete and as they say, life is short...

So that's the 411 on my racing. I can't wait until I can go for a pain free run and hopefully I find myself back on a starting line soon!

Until next time...


ZĂ©landais said…
You are an amazing athlete and coach, Coach. Great clarity in assessing your options going forward. I don't have a crystal ball, but I do know that whatever path your future takes, it will be awesome! Just remember to follow the advice you would give us in taking the time you need to recover from your injury.

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