Hi All,

If you get a chance, head over to the forum to check out regular racing, training, nutrition and life balance topics.

Sorry for the lull in thread topics and posts; as the taper starts I would like to add a few new topics every couple days, so feel free to respond, start threads of your own, or add questions.

Here is the first topic that I posted from the forum, you can register(for free) or check out the forum here.

The first topic is the sweat test. Nutrition is called the 4th discipline in triathlon quite often and for good reason. I think that many times athletes just neglect it and don't put in the time and effort to simulate their race in different conditions in order to find out what works and what doesn't work for them. Ill cover a few more ideas and steps as we go here, but the first is "The Sweat Test."

What to do:

1) Write down weather conditions and specific intensity that you are planning to train in.
2) Weight yourself naked before the session and get out the door to train.
3) Train for designated amount of time, usually 1-3hrs and pick an intensity that you are planning to race at.
4) Head out the door and complete the workout, careful not to use the bathroom.
5) Come home and immediately strip clothing and weigh yourself.
6) Here is the formula to determine your sweat rate.

PRE-WORKOUT WEIGHT minus POST-WORKOUT WEIGHT = This gives you your total weight lost.

7) Now you are going to convert this to ounces. To do this, MULTIPLY by 16.

8 ) Now add in the number of ounces that you consumed on your ride.

9) Divide by the number of hours you trained, which will give you your ounces lost per hour in the conditions you trained at.


Here is an example:

Pre-workout weight: 165
Post-workout weight: 160
Number of ounces consumed: 30
Number of hours trained: 2

Here is how it looks.

1) 165-160 = 5lbs lost
2) 5 * 16 = 80 ounces lost total
3) 80 + 30 = 110 ounces lost total
4) 110 / 2 = 55 ounces lost per hour.

Keep in mind that if you lose any more than 2% in body weight due to dehydration, you can expect to see a decrease in performance.

I would recommend repeating this test on the bike and run in a variety of conditions.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!



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