A Note To My Athletes - Choices

Below is an email I sent to Team BBMC... useful for all.


Good Morning, Everyone.

Great job to all those who made it to practice this morning.  Patrick Brady lead the session and did a great job!  I am hope to see everyone tomorrow morning at 6am. It's early, but you'll be done before most being their day.

I love the quote, "The grass is greener where we water it." This quote can be applied to everything in life, but I am applying it to our health.  By prioritizing nutrition, sleep and training, you will find that you are able to do most things in your life more effectively and BETTER.  Our bodies are our temples. We can't buy another one and we can't neglect it and expect it to perform on command.

We all live busy lives and have a lots of adversity to deal with; that's a part of life.  But none of this is an excuse to let the care of ourselves take a backseat. I challenge each one of you to set a sleep goal, a nutritional goal, a training goal and do it for 4 weeks! 

Here is an example:

1) Sleep - Get to bed by 10pm every night for 4 weeks.
2) Nutrition - Don't skip a meal and have fruit/veggies at every single meal.
3) Training - Come to at least 2 team practices per week.

These are simple changes that can have a huge impact on the rest of our lives. These goals and changes are up to us, no one is going to "water our grass". So make time, make a list and DO IT! 

Food for thought: Life is a series of choices for all of us.  Choosing the above will make you more effective in most everything else that you do.

Have a great Wednesday!


Joe Sweeney said…
Great post Blake - I just had a talk with a close friend this morning about the importance of ideas 1 & 2 and I'm going to send him your blog to read.

Thanks for sharing this wisdom!
Joe Sweeney said…
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