This post stemmed from an athlete who posted the following on our forum:

"Learning to let go of something may be worth more than giving up something.  Freeing yourself from anything that controls you; now THAT can take you somewhere."

Very insightful post.  That is the ultimate message and power behind doing something that you deem "impossible."

We realize that anything is possible...if you believe, if you want and if you work.

I couldn't swim, ride or run with any of you in 2000. I raced Ironman Wisconsin for the first time in 2002. Since that time, I have wanted to win this race, we are now 11 years down the road and that is very real possibility.

The last 11 years has been held up by belief that nothing was too big to overcome; bad races, injuries, finances, my anxiety and psychy, other's opinions, nothing.  I always remembered and repeated that the time when you accomplish what you want is just past the point when everyone else would have given up.


With YOUR goals

Set a plan, remind yourself daily (pictures or saying's on the fridge or mirror). What motivates you in the face of impossibility and adversity? What saying', what video, what thought?  Recall feelings you will have when you accomplish what you want. Visualize what you want to accomplish before everything that you do and you will greatly improve your chances of doing it.

We are only limited by our minds.  Our potential is far beyond what we believe it to be. I know at least a dozen of my athletes who are already far past what they thought possible 2 years ago.  Just imagine what things will be like in another 2,3 or 5 years down the road.

Enjoy the process, welcome each day and be open to the fact that there will be some days when you are down in the dumps, with everything feeling like it is going in the wrong direction.  Know that when this happens, the only way for things to go is back in the right direction.

I have always been told that it's the "bounce back factor" that makes a great athlete.  Who deals with sickness, flats, a bad training block, adversity, etc., the best.  THAT athlete will excel at the end.

Want more good news?  There is no physical genetic component that plays into this. It's learned through practice.

Remember that the only thing that stands between not doing something and making something habitual (something you always do), is repetition.  Do anything enough and it will feel like second nature.  Identify what you want to become second nature, then practice it. First force it, then do it again and again, until it's what you always do. It works!


Anonymous said…
This is outstanding Blake!

While I found myself nodding my head up and down in agreement throughout the post, the line: "Freeing yourself from anything that controls you, now THAT can take you somewhere" is a gem.

I'm going to share this post with my friends, family, clients and followers! Awesome job!

Stay positive & keep learning and inspiring other,

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